Become Part Of Our Pack
This page is devoted to the many faces of Natty Nootz. Each cherished for their own unique personalities and love they bring to us. Share your story, photos and videos with us via our contact page, email, or social media @nattynootz and we will add your companions to our pack.

Happy Companions

Mill Valley, CA

West Linn, OR

Healdsburg, CA

Sonoma, CA

Healdsburg, CA

Santa Barbara, CA

Sacramento, CA

Healdsburg, CA

Boynton Beach, FL

Houston, TX

Lake Oswego, OR

Monument, CO

Fort Myers, FL

Palm Desert, CA

Forestville, CA

Lake Oswego, OR

Flagstaff, AR

Santa Cruz, CA

Lincoln, NE

Portola, CA

Lake Oswego, OR

Portola, CA

Lincoln, NE

Lincoln, NE

Palm Desert, CA

Lincoln, NE

Santa Barbara, CA

Santa Barbara, CA

Vancouver, WA